About Us
Executive Meetings
2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM
Monthly Gatherings
January to March
4th Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM
April to May
4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM
September to December
4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM
CWL Believes:
That we have a responsibility to witness the Good News of the Risen Christ and that membership in the League opens a new vision, helping them to fulfill in greater measure their Christian mission in the church and in the world.
That through study, we better understand the church’s teachings and the ways in which Christ may be known in society today.
That throughout the League’s programs, we gain greater understanding of the liturgy, nourish their faith and gain spiritual strengthto joyfully fulfill their mission.
That through active participation in the League’s standing committees, we have many opportunities to give good example and leadership in the formation and expression of Christian attitudes and principles.
That as the League is dedicated to the preservation of Christian family life, members help strengthen Canadian families.
That as Christian education is of ever-increasing importance in the modern world, members can foster its ideals in a practical way.
That League membership gives all women in Canada an opportunity to communicate; to develop a better understanding of their varied cultures and to have concern for all Canadians.
That through the League, they help “change the world” by assistance in parish, community and country; and become global citizens in the world community through assistance to Development and Peace and through affiliation with the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations.
We humbly pray You, O God our Father, to bless The Catholic Women’s League of Canada.
Bless our beloved country, our homes and families.
Send Your Holy Spirit upon us to give light to our minds and strength to our wills that we may know and fulfil Your great law of charity.
Teach us to share with others at home and abroad, the good things You have given us.
This we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercession of our patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel.